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Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery in Bangalore

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery in Bangalore helps to remove protruding or painful bulges in the abdomen that are causing discomfort. Medstar Speciality Hospital, Sahakaranagar, Bangalore does the Laparoscopic Surgery, Laser Surgery for Piles, Hernia, Fissure, Fistula, Pilonidal sinus, and VaricoseVeins. Laparoscopic surgery, also called laser surgery, uses a camera and a laser to remove the lump or bulge.

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery in Medstar Speciality Hospital, Bangalore has been done by experienced doctors and surgeons. One should go to a doctor of a visible or painful bulge on either side of the pelvic bone or at the groin region, which is noticed while standing upright. The bulge will be seen if one is standing up erect and one can felt it by touching the affected area.

Sometimes, the hernia can turn red, purple, or dark in color, in such cases, the doctor should get immediate medical aid immediately. When the doctor is able to remove the hernia, he will make an incision near the navel. A small plastic tube with a light is used to guide the light through the surgery area. It is important to keep the incision open for a few hours.

If the incisions are not kept open, a large amount of the fluid in the abdomen is transferred into the plastic tubes. When the surgery is complete, the tube is opened and drains fluid. The patient will be required to lie down on a table for a few hours. He will need to stay in this position for three days.

Post-Hernia Surgery:

After the surgery, the plastic tubes are removed and the incision heals. On recovering from the surgery, the patients may experience some swelling or pain at the site of the surgery. This will subside as the healing period is completed. Some time must be taken for good healing to occur before any other surgical procedure is carried out.

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery can be performed by either general practitioners or surgeons. It is best to discuss the procedure with your doctor in order to find out the best option available to reduce discomfort and improve the quality of life.

There are various methods that have been tested and validated to perform laparoscopic hernia surgery. These include using an endoscope for a laparoscopic hernia, a laser for a laparoscopic hernia, and a radio wave fluoroscopy.

Laparoscopic Surgery:

Laparoscopic surgery can help the doctor to locate the actual hernia, avoid complications, and shorten recovery time. Most of these surgeries are performed under general anesthesia and it is possible to recover in less than seven hours. After the surgery, the patient should expect some pain and discomfort, but these will subside in time and the patient can move around without any restrictions.

Laparoscopic hernia surgery should be considered if one is experiencing pain on sitting, squatting or bending over. However, if there are no symptoms, then one can undergo the surgery without consulting with a physician.

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